Frequently asked questions. 

We try to cover everything we get asked, but if there is something you want to know, but you can't find it here, email and we'll try to add it here, or answer you directly via email.
How can I get my PDUs reported?

If you are a PMIHNL Chapter member at the time you registered for PDW,  be sure to get your badge scanned by PDD Volunteers when you enter the session. Your chapter will automatically report your PDUs for you.

What if I'm not a PMIHNL Chapter Member?

Then you can self-report PDUs just as you would for any other event. You can email to request the PDU Claim code matrix or you can manually enter PDUs as usual.

What if I'm a PMIHNL chapter member, but my PDUs were not reported?

Despite doing our best to scan badges at each session, some people may get missed. You may self-report your PDUs. You can email to request the PDU Claim code matrix or you can manually enter PDUs as usual.

How do I self-report PDUs?

Method 1: Go to log in, select the category either Course or Organizational Meetings and fill out the form. Refer to the agenda to see the Talent Triangle type.

Method 2: Get the PDU claim code matrix (request by email to and select PDU claim code (easiest). All fields already populated.

When will PDUs be reported for me / when is the earliest I can self-report?

All PDU sessions are subject to review by PMI HQ.  This takes a minimum of 5 working days.  Due to some last minute changes, the PDD sessions are undergoing a 2nd review, ETA unknown, but anticipate another 5 days.  

We also need to validate the attendance records, so please allow at least a week after the event to fully process.  If you are concerned about your PDUs, you may always self-report.  However, please be aware that double reporting is not allowed, so if you discover a duplicate PDU, please delete the extra one.  If you plan to self-report, please send email to no later than end of day Dec 5, 2022.